Sunday, April 25, 2021

How an introvert being open minded ?

If I say I used to be an introvert maybe most of you who know me in person will not believe it or ..... Anyway I think its a great opportunity to share my experience and opinion especially for you who might have same struggle as mine before and how I deal with it. 

Start from my introvert journey. Since I was child I feel uncomfortable on a group activity - family gathering or something, in the middle of many people even I know who they are. I like to be in small group like only 2-3 person group chat is lovely. 

It reflects also on my school journey, when I was in elementary when they have their own gangs, I don't. Feels like I'm the excess of this class because I don't like being in one of the groups but yes, kids are kids, my classmates see me as a strange things while I'm alone and not join any gang. 

Not as sad as it, I do still have some friend but this kind of situation continuously happen until one day when I start to study abroad. My life start to change. 

When you study abroad your friends is the only one you can rely to, no family here and you spend 24 hours everyday with your friend. Your classmates, roommates you need to being comfortable to share your life with others and don't have privacy sometimes as you share your room. 

I'm envy how people on the stage can speak out confidently, how they can easily make friend and not become the excess in a group. I start to observed how they can break the ice. I try it and I still feel not comfortable, I feel like I'm spend all of the energy when I need to social with others. 

On high school I get a job as tour guide. As we know as a guide you need to be very confident talking in front of people and crowd, yes I was very nervous at the first time but I believe  一回生二回熟 熟能生巧 practice makes perfect. 

Times flies, I start my college journey and I challenge myself. I join presentation competition, I join presentation class and of course I never absent to join any seminar as I will observe how they are doing. 

I start working and it force me to become a communicative people, deal with stranger, and many more. Day by day I realize I become ambivert :) Feels like how communicative I am can be control, when I need to be more communicative than I would be and when I can be silent I would. I still need me time to recharge my self after social marathon. 

How ambivert brings me to become an open minded person?

The more you experience with different situation to deal with, the more you understand about there is no right and wrong, it all about the relative and point of view. Maybe I have seen something and they don't, vice versa. 

I feel like what I love to see in someone soul is when they can place themselves in diversity but still they don't lose their value. They are open minded for everything and still they don't lose their beliefs. And I think it's cool. 

It's not easy to open your mind, to accept some diversity but for sure it would give a great impact to your soul. You will explore more about the world, you will realize there are so many many kind of possibility in the world and it will bring you to the next level. 

It's okay to be introvert as long as you know how to deal with it and know when to use your energy and how to recharge it. 

What makes ambivert difficult for me?

Sometimes when I need to recharge myself and being silent, people thought I'm on bad mood or they think I'm picky why I talk to some people but not with other. Then, I just need me time. 

How about yours? What makes you difficult being introvert or ambivert? 

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