Thursday, July 20, 2017

What no eye has seen

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”

1 hari 24 jam saya paling suka waktu dimana saya berada di kamar, tenang, dan hening. Disana saya bisa benar - benar menikmati me time dan mulai bercerita dengan Babe. Ini waktu yang paling saya suka untuk mengeluarkan seluruh unek - unek isi hati saya yang mungkin tidak dapat dimengerti manusia tapi ketika saya utarakan itu, ketenangan dan perasaan lega seketika muncul di hati saya.

Saya percaya banyak hal yang tidak dapat dimengerti manusia lain, banyak masalah yang kita hadapi yang sulit diceritakan, banyak pertanyaan yang ada di hati kita yang tidak satu orang pun bisa memberikan jawaban yang bisa bikin kita puas, tapi Tuhan bisa memberikan itu semua selama kita mencari Dia.

Memasuki stage kerja dan kerja, saya pun mengalami ke-stress-an, sibuk, dan rasanya lelah sekali. Batin, jasmani. Saya realize kenapa belakangan kok pas di kamar susah buat sekedar ngobrol atau bercerita bahkan doa sebelum tidur pun kok gitu aja padahal saya tau banyak yang belum saya utarakan dan masih mengganjal, tapi kenapa saya diam saja. 

Saya pun mulai memaksakan diri lagi, pokoknya saya mau bercerita, mau curhat, mau keluarin semuanya. Saya orang yang sulit dipuaskan dengan jawaban manusia, saya tidak suka jawaban yang tidak masuk akal logika. Kok bisa sih kasih gue jawaban kayak gitu? Dia ga tau apa bla bla bla.

Tiba - tiba saya diingatkan dengan 1 lagu yang teks nya adalah ayat di atas. Saya terhentak. Saya jadi flashback bagaimana beberapa bulan terakhir ini karya Tuhan dalam hidup saya.

Saya orang yang anti spontanitas. Saya tidak suka hal itu terjadi di luar rencana saya, kalau ada kisah di awal saya sudah memberikan beberapa optional resultnya, entah itu A,B, atau C. Yang jelas pasti salah satu itu pernah terlintas di benak saya.

Tapi belakangan saya merasa, ohhh bisa ya result-nya begini, gue ga kepikiran. Banyak sekali hasil dari pertanyaan saya yang tidak pernah saya pikirkan, saya alami, bahkan saya lihat atau terlintas di pikiran saya sebelumnya.

Awalnya saya berfikir, Tuhan udah ga mau peduli sama gue ya? Kok kayaknya hasilnya ada aja yang diluar bayang - bayang. Dulu gak begini. Tuhan kok gitu.

Saya pun mulai menggerutu.

Tetapi kemarin tiba - tiba saya diingatkan dengan ayat di atas, dan saya benar - benar menyadari. Saya mengalami ayat itu nyata dalam kehidupan saya. Banyak sekali hal yang saya tidak pernah bayangkan terjadi dan surprise untuk saya. Saya, yang paling hobby berkhayal sekalipun tidak pernah membayangkan hal tersebut.

Tuhan, kok keren sih. Siapa sih gue kok gue bisa sampe ngerasain ayat yang di lagu itu nyata banget.


Here, I want to remind all of us. Sama seperti saya yang bisa "ga kepikiran" apa rencana Tuhan kenapa apa yang saya alami berkesan tiba - tiba, semua dari kita ada di rencana-Nya. Yang tidak pernah Dia tinggalkan, janji-Nya buat kita.

Terlalu banyak yang Tuhan bisa lakukan yang bikin kita amaze. Bahkan terlalu banyak yang bisa Dia lakukan diluar theory itu. Kalau ujian uda bisa jawab semua soal, gue yakin nih nilai bagus. Eitsss, Tuhan yang pegang kendali semua itu. Pernah denger cerita orang yang ujian udah belajar mati - matian dan menjawab semua soal dengan baik saat ujian masuk kuliah dan ternyata ia tidak lolos dan sekarang melayani Tuhan?

Kalau di flash back, saya jadi malu sendiri sama Tuhan. Dulu banyak cita - cita, impian, keinginan yang saya utarakan begitu saja dalam doa saya atau sekedar bicara dalam hati. Tapi saya meremehkan itu semua, saya bilang ahhh kayaknya ga mungkin deh selama ini aja belum ada yang pernah seperti itu kalo gue maunya begini pasti ga bisa, berpalingan banget sama theory dan logika. 

Tapi disini saya langsung dijawab, manusia memang tidak bisa mengubah sesuatu, tetapi Tuhan, Dia yang memiliki semuanya ini yang pegang kendali dan cuman Dia yang tahu yang terbaik dan cocok buat kita.

Good night & have a good sleep. Random thought of mine may be a blessed for all of you.

Monday, July 10, 2017

How to cross Indonesia Malaysia border by walking

It was my first experience to travel cross country by land. Start from Ambawang, that located around 40 mins from Pontianak City, I take bus w/ destination Kuching, Malaysia. Also you can drive by yourself, but I prefer to enjoy my trip by not driving.

If you want to take bus to Kuching from Pontianak, all bus depart from Ambawang Cross Country Bus Terminal, and all depart together at 9 in the night.

Biaramas, the bus I take.
An artistic wall decor at Ambawang Station, unfortunately the maintenance very poor.
There are some choices of bus but all of them will depart together at 9 in the night. Mine is Biaramas, ticket is IDR400K/ 2person. Price is depend on the ticket qty you bought.


Inside view. The bus is quiet new and comfortable.
No toilet & charging station, better prepare your blanket & power bank.
At 9 the bus depart and people start to sleep as its already 9.15.

Tips to purchase the ticket :
• Purchase before the d-day and choose your seat
• Arrive at least 30 minutes before depart, take your ticket to the counter along with your passport

I arrived Entikong, which the border between Indonesia & Malaysia around 2 early morning and waiting the immigration open at 6 in Malaysia time, so I need to wait 3 hours long.

That blue line is me, and we walk through the border. Such an incredible experience then.
People sea people mountain. All passenger here waiting immigration gate open at 2 in early morning.
Feels like evacuee that want to enter other country hahahaha

Then the gate is open and people run to the immigration building. Here you will get 2 stamp, depart from Indonesia, and arrive in Malaysia.

Indonesia immigration counter looks like.
And within walks arrived at Malaysia arrival immigration counter
The bus will drive through this counter and waiting passenger ahead.

A local selling some food for breakfast. Don't forget to use RM, its already Malaysia yaaa

Acceptable price. I bough 3 cakwe for RM 1

Take your time to enjoy the morning fresh air, but remember driver is waiting for you and if you coming late, be careful he will leave you.

Overall, I enjoy my land trip, a wonderful experience to cross within country by land. Waiting for the next road trip.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Place2Stay @Chinatown, Kuching | Malaysia

It was an unplanned holiday to Kuching, Sarawak capital, Malaysia. I start searching a hotel for my trip in 2 days before d-day through many website and find what kind of place to stay that people recommend. I'm excited enough to have holiday after a long exhausting week.

As usually my criteria is same : clean, comfort, tourist destination nearby, and of course a pleasant price.

Than I found Place2Stay that seems like a good candidate w/ good reviews in I choose Place2Stay @Chinatown that seems a very good location w/ walking distance to many tourist destination.

Arrived at 9 in the morning, I directly grab an uber from Kuching Sentral. I hope that my note when booking to have earlier check in is come to be true and I have talk to my self if they want to charge it's fine. I need a bath now very very need.

The Place2Stay name is familiar in local due it has many branch in many places. So better call the phone number in booking receipt and let the driver talk.

It says @Chinatown, but literally not inside Chinatown, still walking distance. The driver also get wrong that he bring me to another Place2Stay.

And yeay after around 20 minutes finally I arrived. Give your passport for check-in, and RM50 for deposit (refund when leaving). The good news is they let me check in earlier without any charges. A good beginning, dude!

Outside look
I booked a twin deluxe room for 3 night in total IDR 550K (paid in This place provide single, twin, double room, the difference is deluxe room has window.

Mine is in the 2F, but level 3. No lift here, just take your luggage through the grey stairs.

Main door and big mirror welcome you to the room. Push the key and electricity is on.
Wi-Fi password also in the key and its a fast Wi-Fi. 
That twin bed, TV, and a tiny table that messy by me.
Bathroom is quiet small, bath soap & tissue available, others toiletries please bring by yourself

One point I love the most is the window. That feeling when you laying and sunshine down to your face, that sky view.

View when you lay on the bed
Addicted to keep the window open every morning, ahhh thats sunshine sky
Then I always keep the window open :)
No breakfast provide, but you can easily get your own in neighbourhood.

It was a pleasant stay at Place2Stay @Chinatown. A comfortable & relaxing place to stay to refresh mind & soul.

Tips :
• Find your greatest deal by searching from many booking website, they own website. I found mine is in agoda, but maybe you find the others.
• Its hard to find Place2Stay @Chinatown in google map during your uber booking, just enter Kapit Hotel. It's beside only. Maybe Place2Stay can work on this to easy tourist.

Plus :
1. Very good deal. High value room w/ lovely rate.
2. Walking distance to 7-11, laundry shop, restaurant, Kuching Statue, Chinatown, Kuching Riverside, Plaza Sarawak, Parkson, etc.
3. Facilities : Fast Wi-Fi, mineral drinking water 2 bottle/day, towel/day, housekeeping everyday

Minus :
1. No lift / elevator. Stairs only.
2. Toilet is quiet small, sometimes the smell of cigarettes come through toilet exhaust.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Riam Ensiling, West Kalimantan | Indonesia

Riam Ensiling, a peaceful and very breath taking hidden place here in West Kalimantan, Lumut Village. 11 KM distance far away from Pak Kasih Bridge, Tayan ( Pak Kasih Bridge post click here ).

IDR 30K collected by local as entrance fee for 1 car, and next after 5 minutes drive in stones road, IDR 30K collected again for parking fee for 1 car and IDR 10K for motorcycle. Not sure it's official by government or not.

That space you get from IDR 30K that local said their space and we rent for parking.
Local selling bamboo roots for IDR 10K/bag

Local selling snacks

It feels very relaxing to have cup of tea w/ kinda view (*IDR 4K/cup
Waterfall situation
Ahhh loving the sunlight & atmosphere
It's a very pleasant trip to relax and leave city life for a while. Refresh mind and soul also to enjoy mother nature peaceful. 

Note :
• Toilet fee IDR 2K/person, change cloth also need to pay
• Bring lotion, need after bath that your skin dry