Sunday, February 11, 2024

A 2000 SqKM National Park | Khao Yai, Thailand

It was a suddent trip that always in my list since I see the picture of Khao Yai National Park but since it is 141 km from Bangkok and the only option is by car to get there so I was think twice until I got the chance this time yeay! 

excited me on early morning to Khao Yai

The only way to get there is by car, whether you drive or join the trip but I suggest to join the trip. Why? First its quiet far even after you arrive the entrance gate it took 1 hour to go inside by driving until you get to your spot. Second there are many spot inside if you go by yourself you will waste the time to search how to get there also to go inside the jungle it quiet dangerous if you go by your own. So the best choice is to get the trip from Bangkok. 

Well from Bangkok you need to start early and arrive after around 2.5 to 3 hours. This time I have 3 point to visit in Khao Yai. 

So Khao Yai means big mountain, it cover more than 2,000 square kilometers of forest & grassland in central Thailand. Cross 4 province : Saraburi, Ratchasima, Pranchinburi, Nakhon Nayok it made this national park have several entrance gate from each province but it all goes to the same area. 

Since it so huge so you will explore by car, the car will drop you on the point (park) you want to explore and you go by yourself then after you finish we move to other point by car again. 

I went to 2 waterfall (they called Nam Tok in Thai) and 1 trekking jungle (the real jungle). 

Since you will use your feet alot, you should wear a very comfortable and non slippery outdoor footwear (i wear my keen its all good) and wear a comfortable outfit also dont forget your sunnies & sunblock and small petty cash. Oh I dont think its necessary to bring the camera since when you go to jungle you need to walk in a difficult land so bring as less as you can. Dont forget to bring water and dont litter inside park. 

First stop Haew Narok Nam Tok

It was easy step on the beginning then after that 200 step down and up. Well the stairs itself can make your feet like no feel haha. 

bit part of the stairs that made my feet feel nothing hehe

This beauty scenery you will found 360 degree inside Khao Yai — greenies, blue sky, and clear air

We have lunch on the canteen and its like Thai food, not expensive you can choose what you want plus you also can order some coffee or thai tea there. A deer acompany my lunch time haha. 

the canteen crowded but quiet comfortable

Next stop is a trekking one with the real jungle experience to Orchid Waterfall like we see elephant poop here and there and also the road not comfortable to walk by, you need to cross the fall down tree trunk. It was like 5 km if not wrong but it feels far because the road is not really a road to walk haha. 

yes we did it. we cross this “bridge”

Our guide take a pic of me taking pic haha

its a real hidden gem you will love it if you are a mountain person

Last stop is a Haew Suwat waterfall also and the easiest one of the day yet a very commercial one I think. It was well infrastructured for elder and kids only a stairs then you can see it. For me I dont really love this one so I only enjoy sitting in the calm corner there since the second point which is the trekking one got my heart already hard to beat haha. 

It was my first time to be in this level of jungle, okay chelsie you grow to another level, we can go to next jungle level haha. 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Hello 2024!

Hari ke-14 di 2024 mau write down apa target di tahun ini biar nanti gak lupa untuk mengingatkan diri sembari waktu berjalan biar bisa achive target tahunan. Kayaknya sejak high school jadi suka setting target tahunan, coret - coret di kertas, dan suka lupa sampai akhir tahun pas flashback lagi. Mungkin juga karena aku orang yang gak suka go with the flow karena itu cuman ikan mati yang berenang mengikut arus kalo ikan hidup kan melawan arus ya ges. 

Well, jadi apa target 2024-ku? 

Muncul di beberapa hari terakhir 2023 pas lagi berdoa sambil mikir apa target di 2024. Keluarlah si pribahasa jadul favorite : 2024 欲窮千里目更上一層樓 yang artinya kalau ingin lihat lebih jauh lagi harus naik 1 lantai lagi baru keliatan pemandangan yang  lebih indah. 

Sebenernya pribahasa ini udah jadi favorite sejak kuliah dulu tapi kayaknya sekarang waktu yang pas buat jadiin dia target pencapaian di 2024. Kenapa? 

Karena di 2023 berasa kayak lagi transformasi dari aku yang si anak bontot ke si anak menjelang sulung. Aku yang udah lebih mature untuk me-realisasi-kan apa yang aku inginkan dan mungkin lebih bisa 照顧orang lain kalau dulu aku yang  berasa si bontot yang harus di 照顧terus. Mungkin udah waktunya buat meneruskan blessing ini kalo dulu aku di blessed, dan sekarang salurin blessing tersebut buat bisa bless others. Jadi lebih ke saluran berkat gitu (bahasa mulia-nya uwaw). 

Banyak target breakdown buat 2024 yang bikin aku makin banyak pencerahan dan jadi lebih mantap sama target - target yang mau dicapai di 2024. Btw ini pas awal nulis di 14 Jan dan sekarang udah Feb baru lanjut lagi hahah, yaudah lah ya. 

Aku nambah quotes yang favorite banget yang sebenernya baru nemu pas nonton kemarin tapi langsung suka sampe nulis terus : 富與貴有可能是父母留下的, 但尊重與聲譽是靠自己掙來的 (+上天允許) 

Aku berasa ini quotes nya bener banget, orang bisa terlahir kaya dari warisan ortu, bisa aja ortu kamu emang kaya raya dan sejak lahir start point kamu udah lebih maju dari yang lain, tapi ini gak cuma - cuma bisa bikin hidup kamu dapet appresiasi atau dipandang orang kenapa karena itu semua balik lagi dari diri sendiri + aku tambahin adalah kehendak Tuhan.

Kalo ditanya target 2024 paling pengen ngapain? Traveling yang pasti masih, pengen banget unlocked banyak negara dan tempat yang belum pernah. Pengen bisa hidup lebih “lady” lagi karena aku tomboi sejak dini hahaha. Pengen lebih bisa naik level lagi dalam kehidupan. Pengen lebih “minimalis” lagi hidupnya makin ke quality out of quantity. Hmmm apa lagi ya intinya lebih ke clean cut si kayak maunya lebih clean dan minimalis feel dan bisa ignorance hal - hal gak penting di hidup. Pengen speed up banyak hal juga. 

Thanks 2024 selama 1 bulan sofar aku berasa kamu baik banget dan makin memperjelas target aku maunya apa dan bisa lebih berguna ngapain. 

See you! 

A Day in Death Railway Local Train | Kanchanaburi, Thailand

Hello here I am with another road trip story. Yes, you hear it right I’m having around 8 hours on the train only for the road trip hehe. So if you found the historical place to go surround Bangkok you will found Kanchanaburi the Death Railway trip. 

I went 164 km one way and 328 km round trip in a day for this.

This is the former Burma railway which was built with forced labour during the second world war. And it still operate until now. The end point is Nam Tok station it already in Myanmar border. So let me show you what I found during this whole day railway road trip. 

See, where I am already in the Myanmar border haha

There are several option to get there :

1. Join the day trip from Bangkok it will cost you around THB 2,000 but more comfortable since you will only take a part of the train and able to stop in several iconic place also to take picture. 

2. Go by the tourist train start from Hua Lamphong station, this train only operate on weekend and you can’t buy the ticket online, only on the spot it cost THB 130 return ticket. But it so hard to get the ticket when I came the nearest ticket is next month ok bhay hehe (In summary this is the most efficience and affordable one but hard to get if you only come to travel)

3. Nah this is the option I try since I didnt get the option 2. I take the local train from Thonburi station cost THB 100 per trip so THB 200 for round trip. For this one you should able to get the ticket on the spot since it was a local train and no seat number, just enter the train and take a seat. 

Well, so lets start my journey with option 3

First you need to know there are 2 railway station in Bangkok : Hua Lamphong which is connected with MRT Hua Lamphong & Thonburi which is unconnected with any public transportation. In Thai, train not always faster than car so basically this is for you to enjoy the trip and not to rush the commuting time. 

The train will depart from Thonburi by 07:50 in the morning and arrive Kanchanaburi at 10:25 and Nam Tok at 12:30. Try to grab the left seat go & back route it will show you the most beautiful scenery.

You can feel the real Thai local here

This is a vintage local train so only have nature wind no AC no close window haha. But I really enjoy it so much. 

Actually there are several option to travel to Kanchanaburi you can have daytrip like me or stay for a night. Since I dont have enough time so my target on this trip is only to see the scenery & road trip of Kanchanaburi. 

I like to take the photograph during the trip its all like very beautiful countryside

Where you need to take off? If you are having daytrip get off at Nam Tok the last station and you can take a way for a lunch box and get back again to the train for the way back. 

Please be noted this is suitable for a traveller so if you are not you should measure your own preference. 

The best scenery is on the last half part but actually I found when you too focus on the scenery you forget to take the picture like the one appear on google when you search Death Railway trip haha. 

This, when we cross the bridge

Toilet inside the train still consider ok at least you have one

How local are you until you are on the place that local auntie picking their veggies well :) 

This I take from google actually this is the railway we cross and in the left side you will see great scenery as below picture I take even more just only your eyes can feel it on the spot haha